Move towards a sustainable energy source now.Brighter Future needs

the Cleanest Energy


About Us

The Dragonfly-e Inc, it’s a start up finishing R&D to debut products capable to personalize carbon inventory and, at the same time, offsetting The Carbon Footprint, making the system adopters: From clients to consumers, and subscribers to become more desirable within their own communities and supply value chain.

The Dragonfly-e Inc. main purpose is the development of a project called “The Dragonfly-e Initiative” that aims to create an Alternative Sustainable Energy and Technologies (ASET) Plant. The purpose of the ASET Plant is to produce low carbon fuel from Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) through carbon capture technologies, specifically Anaerobic Digestion and Bio-Gas upgrading and repurposing it by conditioning equipment.

The key to success is to incentivize communities to engage in the solution, designed to bring equity to users, either individuals or organizations, by adopting a system based on Education, Inclusion, Accountability and Sponsorship, the Ed.In.A.S Model, through an app, allowing anyone to participate in the program and offset their carbon emissions, either by mitigatory solution in place and not yet reported; or a set of standard solutions displayed in the app and ready to deploy.The goal to create a Local Carbon Credit Union, based on suppliers of inputs participating in the project, and to verify and issue carbon credits based on the potential carbon offset resulting from the adoption of such solutions trough the project.
As a business, we believe only by bringing equity and fairness to rural America, and from there beyond, we can regain and maintain the competitiveness of hearth land agricultural sector versus products from diverse origins, other than our own land.
Building a strong and sturdy relationship with local governments, and consulting with lead names in the industry of carbon sequestration and carbon repurpose as well as new and innovative approach to photon harvesting trough our providers and stake holders, we are confident that our initiative will change the way we , as a society, perceive the real opportunities behind the multi trillion dollar carbon industry.

The Dragonfly-e and Team are in an unique situation to effectively address the challenges behind The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) just issued it’s inaugural standards—IFRS S1 and IFRS S2.While ensuring that the adopted contingency and mitigatory measures available to the Clients, trough our system, complies with ESG Standards.


Our team members